Contributing to the revolution in healthcare training in the UK
Our e-learning programmes enhance traditional learning, support existing teaching methods and provide a valuable reference point which can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
To access your e-learning please log in.
In order to access the e-learning and keep a record of your learning activity, register and create an account.
View our catalogue to see the e-learning that is available.
If you wish to use your NHS OpenAthens account to access the Hub then you need to use the e-LfH Hub which is available on this URL ( By selecting the button, you will be automatically redirected to the e-LfH Hub.
How elearning is being used
In 2020 there were 22million session launches on the NHSE elfh Hub. The online training sessions enhance traditional learning, support existing teaching methods and provide a valuable reference point.
System requirements
To ensure your device is correctly set up to display and record your e-Learning activity, please check your device using our checking tool.